Menu Plan Monday

Well this is my tenative plan. We will see what actually happens. It is so weird to go back to 'normal' life considering how crazy the last 3 months have been. If you are in need of any more meal ideas please check out for inspiration! Oh and I'm not going to put the day I may cook a dinner so that I have more freedom in my choosing.

Ribs and corn
Sausage links and biscuits ( Got a great deal at Safeway on the links figured I should use them!)
Spaghetti (I may try to add some pureed veggies in the sauce. Trying to figure out ways to better feed my family)
Chicken (Either Dad's homemade nuggets or another version I found in a book)
Hot dogs/Hot links/Smoked Sausage and rice

So what do you plan on feeding your family this week? Now that Passover and Easter is done with?


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