All About Me Monday

Its still Monday on my side of the world. So I am going to play along. Maybe you'll want to, to!

1. Is your tree up yet? When did you (or when will you) decorate it? 
Nope not up. I'm feeling kind of Bah Humbug this year. Don't know if its cause of all the drama that has been going on for so long or its cause my kids are growing up or what. So no tree, yet.

2. Real or fake? 
Well we have a fake one in the garage. Don't know if that will be used or if we will make an effort to get a real one. The boy did mention he'd like to cut our own. Just got to find the motivation to do it.

3. Is your tree green or some other color? 
Oh it will be green. I don't get these other colored trees.

4. Colored lights or white? 

Colored lights!

5. Do the ornaments on your tree all match, or is it a hodge podge?

Hodge podge

6. When will you take your tree down?

Depends on if its a real or fake one. If we get a real one we will probably take it down before the boy scouts come and pick it up cause we are involved with that organization. 

7. Are there presents under the tree now? Or does Santa bring them all on Christmas Eve? 

Hahahaha. Ha. No presents wrapped. But hidden. The little that I bought. 


The Lovely One said…
If you're cut your own tree, you'd better get to cutting! :)
Mel said…
Hahaha. I know right? Yeah it sounds like this weekend we will decorate the house and decide on the tree. But if all else fails I have a small fully decorated tree in the garage.

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