Monday Mayhem

Join Us for Monday Mayhem

I'm a little behind in my postings but here's Monday Mayhem!

3 Places I Would Pack My Travel Bag For

1. Las Vegas NV
2. Wherever the husband wants to take me. ( I know its generic but deal with it! Hehehe)
3. Overseas (no preference but I'd like to go to Korea one day )

3 On-Screen Characters I Love To Watch
1. The cast in NCIS
2. Dr. House
3. Castle

3 Moods That Describe Me The Best
1.Cranky (especially in the morning so not a morning person)
2. Sleepy
3.Busy (Is that really a mood? I deem that as a mood )

3 Things I Always Think Of Doing On A Weekend
1. Sleep
2. Spend time with family
3. Catch up on my shows

3 Things From My Childhood That I Can't Forget
*This is a hard statement for me to answer so I plead the 5th *

3 Things I Would Never Say No To
1. Free items like today I got free Starbucks from Safeway
2. Chocolate
3. Going away

3 Things I Can't Live Without
1. My Jesus
2. My kids
3. My husband
I realize people are not things nessicarly but that's what popped in my head!


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