30 Days of Insight Day 1

I have found I really do like Meme's etc. Anything that has questions. I seem to be able to figure out what to blog if I have questions to answer. While I was looking over the blogs that I follow the other night I ran across

Who had this posted on her blog. So I thought I'd follow along on it to.

Day 1-Guilty Pleasure

You know I don't think I can just choose one. Sure I could say chocolate or indulging in books or even tv. But I think the biggest guilty pleasure for me is spending time online. I say its a guilty pleasure because at times I rather do that than take care of the house. But I don't put that above taking care of my family. What I mean by that is if a kid needs to be picked up or fed I do it. But I have found I will stay up late to catch up on my online time when the day finds me busy.


Ruth said…
Yep, I hear you. Definitely I have a guilty pleasure of wanting to be online too much. I think I could be on her 20 hours a day with no trouble. Forget the house, sometimes even forget sleep. Go online!! I fully understand.
Mel said…
Hehehe I think the attraction is also no matter what time you go online there is someone to interact or something to respond to. It never 'sleeps' there is always something to do in the big world of the web.

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